Batch Change Model
Table of Contents
Batch change is an alternative to submitting individual RecordSet changes and provides the following:
- The ability to accept multiple changes in a single API call.
- The ability to include records of multiple record types across multiple zones.
- Input names are entered as fully-qualified domain names (or IP addresses for
records), so users don’t have to think in record/zone context. - All record validations are processed simultaneously. Fatal errors for any change in the batch will result in a 400 response and none will be applied.
- Support for manual review if enabled in your VinylDNS instance. Batch change will remain in limbo until a system administrator (ie. support or super user) either rejects it resulting in an immediate failure or approves it resulting in revalidation and submission for processing.
- Support for notifications when a batch change is rejected or implemented.
A batch change consists of multiple single changes which can be a combination of SingleAddChanges and SingleDeleteRRSetChanges.
Note: In the portal batch change is referred to as DNS Change.
To update an existing record, you must delete the record first and add the record again with the updated changes.
Batch changes are also susceptible to the following restrictions:
- Current supported record types for batch change are:
, andPTR
. - Batch change requests must contain at least one change.
- The maximum number of single changes within a batch change depends on the instance of VinylDNS. Contact your VinylDNS administrators to find the batch change limit for your instance.
- Access permissions will follow existing rules (admin group or ACL access). Note that an update (delete and add of the same record name, zone and record type combination) requires Write access.
name | type | description |
userId | string | The unique identifier of the user that created the batch change. |
userName | string | The username of the user that created the batch change. |
comments | string | Optional comments about the batch change. |
createdTimestamp | date-time | The timestamp (UTC) when the batch change was created. |
changes | Array of SingleChange | Array of single changes within a batch change. A SingleChange can either be a SingleAddChange or a SingleDeleteRRSetChange. |
status | BatchChangeStatus | - PendingProcessing - at least one change in batch has not finished processing - Complete - all changes have been processed successfully - Failed - all changes failed during processing - PartialFailure - some changes have failed and the rest were successful - PendingReview - one or more changes requires manual approval/rejection by a system administrator (ie. super or support user) to proceed - Rejected - the batch change was rejected by a system administrator (ie. super or support user) and no changes were applied - Scheduled - the batch change is scheduled for a later date at which time it needs to be approved to proceed. - Cancelled - the PendingReview batch change was cancelled by its creator before review. |
id | string | The unique identifier for this batch change. |
ownerGroupId | string | Record ownership assignment. Required if any records in the batch change are in shared zones and are new or unowned. |
approvalStatus | BatchChangeApprovalStatus | Whether the batch change is currently awaiting manual review. Can be one of AutoApproved, PendingReview, ManuallyApproved, Rejected, or Cancelled. |
reviewerId | string | Optional unique identifier for the reviewer of the batch change. Required if batch change was manually rejected or approved. |
reviewerUserName | string | Optional user name for the reviewer of the batch change. Required if batch change was manually rejected or approved. |
reviewComment | string | Optional comment for the reviewer of the batch change. Only applicable if batch change was manually rejected or approved. |
reviewTimestamp | date-time | Optional timestamp (UTC) of when the batch change was manually reviewed. Required if batch change was manually rejected or approved. |
scheduledTime | date-time | Optional requested date and time to process the batch change. |
cancelledTimestamp | date-time | Optional date and time a batch change was cancelled by its creator. |
A successful batch change response consists of a corresponding SingleAddChange or SingleDeleteRRSetChange for each batch change input. See the batch change create page for details on constructing a batch change request.
name | type | description |
changeType | ChangeInputType | Type of change input. Can either be an Add or DeleteRecordSet. See more details about behavior of changeType interaction. |
inputName | string | The fully-qualified domain name of the record which was provided in the create batch request. |
type | RecordType | Type of DNS record, supported records for batch changes are currently: A , AAAA , CNAME , and PTR . |
ttl | long | The time-to-live in seconds. |
record | RecordData | The data added for this record, which varies by record type. |
status | SingleChangeStatus | Status for this change. Can be one of: Pending, Complete, Failed, NeedsReview or Rejected. |
recordName | string | The name of the record. Record names for the apex will be match the zone name (including terminating dot). |
zoneName | string | The name of the zone. |
zoneId | string | The unique identifier for the zone. |
systemMessage | string | Conditional: Returns system message relevant to corresponding batch change input. |
recordChangeId | string | Conditional: The unique identifier for the record change; only returned on successful batch creation. |
recordSetId | string | Conditional: The unique identifier for the record set; only returned on successful batch creation, |
validationErrors | Array of BatchChangeError | Array containing any validation errors associated with this SingleAddChange. Note: These will only exist on NeedsReview or Rejected SingleChange s |
id | string | The unique identifier for this change. |
name | type | description |
changeType | ChangeInputType | Type of change input. Can either be an Add or DeleteRecordSet. See more details about behavior of changeType interaction. |
inputName | string | The fully-qualified domain name of the record which was provided in the create batch request. |
type | RecordType | Type of DNS record, supported records for batch changes are currently: A , AAAA , CNAME , and PTR . |
record | RecordData | Optional. The data deleted for this record, which varies by record type. If not provided, the entire DNS recordset was deleted. |
status | SingleChangeStatus | Status for this change. Can be one of: Pending, Complete, Failed, NeedsReview or Rejected. |
recordName | string | The name of the record. Record names for the apex will be match the zone name (including terminating dot). |
zoneName | string | The name of the zone. |
zoneId | string | The unique identifier for the zone. |
systemMessage | string | Conditional: Returns system message relevant to corresponding batch change input. |
recordChangeId | string | Conditional: The unique identifier for the record change; only returned on successful batch creation. |
recordSetId | string | Conditional: The unique identifier for the record set; only returned on successful batch creation, |
validationErrors | Array of BatchChangeError | Array containing any validation errors associated with this SingleDeleteRRSetChange. Note: These will only exist on NeedsReview or Rejected SingleChanges |
id | string | The unique identifier for this change. |
ChangeType Values
There are two valid changeType
s for a SingleChange
: Add and DeleteRecordSet
s can be used independently or combined to achieve the desired behavior described below.
- Create a new DNS record: Add with record data
- Delete an entire record set: 1. DeleteRecordSet without specifying existing record data or 2. DeleteRecordSet for each entry of the DNS record
- Delete a single entry from DNS record with multiple entries: DeleteRecordSet specifying existing record data
- Update an existing record set: 1. DeleteRecordSet specifying existing record data (single entry delete) or not specifying record data (full delete) and 2. Add with record data
Successful batch change response example with a SingleAddChange and a SingleDeleteRRSetChange.
"userId": "vinyl",
"userName": "vinyl201",
"comments": "this is optional",
"createdTimestamp": "2018-05-08T18:46:34Z",
"ownerGroupId": "f42385e4-5675-38c0-b42f-64105e743bfe"
"changes": [
"changeType": "Add",
"inputName": "recordName.zoneName.",
"type": "A",
"ttl": 3600,
"record": {
"address": ""
"status": "Complete",
"recordName": "recordName",
"zoneName": "zoneName.",
"zoneId": "8f8f649f-998e-4428-a029-b4ba5f5bd4ca",
"recordChangeId": "4754ac4c-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"recordSetId": "4754b084-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"validationErrors": [],
"id": "17350028-b2b8-428d-9f10-dbb518a0364d"
"changeType": "DeleteRecordSet",
"inputName": "recordName.zoneName.",
"type": "AAAA",
"status": "Complete",
"recordName": "recordName",
"zoneName": "zoneName.",
"zoneId": "9cbdd3ac-9752-4d56-9ca0-6a1a14fc5562",
"recordChangeId": "4754b322-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"recordSetId": "4754b084-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"validationErrors": [],
"id": "c29d33e4-9bee-4417-a99b-6e815fdeb748"
"changeType": "DeleteRecordSet",
"inputName": "anotherRecordName.zoneName.",
"type": "A",
"record": {
"address": ""
"status": "Complete",
"recordName": "recordName",
"zoneName": "zoneName.",
"zoneId": "9cbdd3ac-9752-4d56-9ca0-6a1a14fc5562",
"recordChangeId": "9c449026-cffe-4379-beb7-217b8a31aadd",
"recordSetId": "e68776ab-f56f-41bf-a03e-c288b9469b53",
"validationErrors": [],
"id": "e68776ab-f56f-41bf-a03e-c288b9469b53"
"status": "Complete",
"id": "937191c4-b1fd-4ab5-abb4-9553a65b44ab",
"approvalStatus": "AutoApproved"