API Configuration Guide

Note: ALL configuration assumes a vinyldns namespace. For example, sqs settings would be under vinyldns.sqs.


There are a lot of configuration settings in VinylDNS. So much so that it may seem overwhelming to configure vinyldns to your environment. This document describes the configuration settings, highlighting the settings you are most likely to change. All the configuration settings are captured at the end.

It is important to note that the api and portal have different configuration. We will review the configuration for each separately.

Configuration Overview

How do we config?

All configuration is done using Typesafe Config. It provides a means to specifying default configurations, and overriding the configured values in a number of ways:

  1. The default configuration provides “safe” default values for all configuration. This makes it possible for you to only change the configuration values that you need to, and assume the default for the rest. This can typically be found in a file named reference.conf. The Typesafe Config library manages populating unspecified values for you automatically.
  2. You can override the reference.conf file by providing your own application.conf file when the system starts up. We will review how to do that in the sections that follow.
  3. You can override individual configuration properties when the application starts up using standard jvm arguments. For example, you can specify -Dmy.config.value=42, and that will override both application.conf and reference.conf (defaults)
  4. You can further override configuration properties with environment variables. The Typesafe Config provides special syntax that allows you to use environment variables. You can make the environment variable optional (meaning use it if it is there) or required (fail to start up without the environment variable). We will illustrate use of environment variables in this guide.

Using Environment Variables

We strongly recommend that you use environment variables in particular for secrets. Laying down environment variables in a flat file is a security vulnerability for your installation. To demonstrate environment variable usage, here is a following snippet…

  queue.settings {
     access-key = ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}
     secret-key = ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
     signing-region = ${SQS_REGION}
     service-endpoint = ${SQS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT}
     queue-name = ${SQS_QUEUE_NAME}

In the example, if any of the values in ${xxx} are not found in the environment, the application will not start up!

Configuring API Server

The API configuration has a lot of values, the important ones reviewed here. There are several configuration settings that are specific to your environment.

The most important configuration is around your system dependencies. Presently, these are your settings for:

  • MySQL

Queue Configuration

VinylDNS supports both SQS and MySQL queue implementations.

There are a couple of implementation-dependent settings that need to be specified:

  • messages-per-poll: Number of messages retrieved in a single queue receive request. Valid values are 1 through 10 ( default).
  • polling-interval: Interval to delay between each poll for messages.

If using SQS, be sure to follow the AWS SQS Setup Guide first to get the values you need to configure here.

If using MySQL, follow the MySQL Setup Guide first to get the values you need to configure here.

The following in a sample SQS config:

vinyldns {

  queue {
     class-name = "vinyldns.sqs.queue.SqsMessageQueueProvider"
     messages-per-poll = 10
     polling-interval = 250.millis
     # connection information to SQS
     settings {
        # AWS access key and secret.
        access-key = "x"
        secret-key = "x"
        # Regional endpoint to make your requests (eg. 'us-west-2', 'us-east-1', etc.). This is the region where your queue is housed.
        signing-region = "x"
        # Endpoint to access queue
        service-endpoint = "http://vinyldns-elasticmq:9324/"
        # Queue name. Should be used in conjunction with service endpoint, rather than using a queue url which is subject to change.
        queue-name = "vinyldns"

The following is a sample MySQL queue config:

queue {
  class-name = "vinyldns.mysql.queue.MySqlMessageQueueProvider"

  polling-interval = 250.millis
  messages-per-poll = 10
  max-retries = 50 # Override max retries; default = 100

  settings = {
     name = "vinyldns"
     driver = "org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"
     migration-url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19004/?user=root&password=pass"
     url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19004/vinyldns?user=root&password=pass"
     user = "root"
     password = "pass"
     # see https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP
     connection-timeout-millis = 1000
     idle-timeout = 10000
     max-lifetime = 30000
     maximum-pool-size = 5
     minimum-idle = 0
     my-sql-properties = {

Database Configuration

VinylDNS supports a MySQL database. You can enable all repos in a single backend, or have a mix of the two. For each backend, you need to configure the table(s) that should be loaded.

If using MySQL, follow the MySQL Setup Guide first to get the values you need to configure here.

vinyldns {

  # this list should include only the datastores being used by your instance
  data-stores = ["mysql"]

  mysql {
     # this is the path to the mysql provider. This should not be edited
     # from the default in reference.conf
     class-name = "vinyldns.mysql.repository.MySqlDataStoreProvider"
     settings {
        # the name of the database, recommend to leave this as is
        name = "vinyldns"
        # the jdbc driver, recommended to leave this as is
        driver = "org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"
        # the URL used to create the schema, typically this will be without the "database" name
        migration-url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19002/?user=root&password=pass"
        # the main connection URL
        url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19002/vinyldns?user=root&password=pass"
        # the user to connect to MySQL
        user = "root"
        # the password to connect to MySQL
        password = "pass"
        ## see https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP for more detail on the following fields
        # the maximum number of connections to scale the connection pool to
        maximum-pool-size = 20
        # the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection from the connection pool
        connection-timeout-millis = 1000
        # the minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool
        minimum-idle = 10
        # the maximum number of milliseconds that a connection is can sit idle in the pool
        idle-timeout = 10000
        # The max lifetime of a connection in a pool.  Should be several seconds shorter than the database imposed connection time limit
        max-lifetime = 600000
        # controls whether JMX MBeans are registered
        register-mbeans = true
        # my-sql-properties allows you to include any additional mysql performance settings you want.
        # Note that the properties within my-sql-properties must be camel case!
        # see https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/MySQL-Configuration for guidance
        my-sql-properties {
        prepStmtCacheSize = 300
        prepStmtCacheSqlLimit = 2048
        cachePrepStmts = true
        useServerPrepStmts = true
        rewriteBatchedStatements = true
     repositories {
        # all repositories with config sections here will be enabled in mysql
        zone {
        # no additional settings for repositories enabled in mysql
        batch-change {
        user {
        record-set {
        record-set-cache {


Cryptography Settings

VinylDNS uses symmetric cryptography in order to encrypt/decrypt sensitive information in the system. This includes TSIG keys and user secrets. Cryptography is used in both the portal as well as the api.

Cryptography is pluggable, meaning you can bring your own crypto with you. All that is required is to provide an implementation of CryptoAlgebra using a crypto library of choice. The default implementation is NoOpCrypto, which does not do any encryption (not recommended for production). VinylDNS provides a cryptography implementation called JavaCrypto that you can use for production. The example that follows illustrates using the provided JavaCrypto.

If you create your own implementation, you have to build your jar and make it (and all dependencies) available to the VinylDNS API and the VinylDNS portal.

The following are the configuration settings for crypto. Notice here the only thing we see is the type. The type is the fully qualified class name for the CryptoAlgebra you will be using. If your crypto implementation requires additional settings, they will be configured inside the crypto element, adjacent to the type.

vinyldns {
  crypto {
     type = "vinyldns.core.crypto.JavaCrypto"
     secret = "8B06A7F3BC8A2497736F1916A123AA40E88217BE9264D8872597EF7A6E5DCE61"

Zone Connections

VinylDNS has three ways of indicating zone connections:

  1. Global default connection applies to all zones unless overridden by one of the following connections. This configuration is required.
  2. Backends allows you to specify zone connection information for an individual zone by choosing a pre-configured zone connection. This configuration is optional.
  3. Zone level override allows you to specify zone update and transfer connection information for each zone. More information is in the Zone Model.

VinylDNS has 2 connections for each zone:

  1. The DDNS connection - used for making DDNS updates to the zone
  2. The Transfer connection - used for making AXFR requests for zone syncing with the DNS backend

VinylDNS also ties in testing network connectivity to the default zone connection’s primary server into its API health checks. A value for the health check connection timeout in milliseconds can be specified using health-check-timeout; a default value of 10000 will be used if not provided.

Global Zone Connections Configuration:

vinyldns {

  # timeout for DNS backend connectivity health check
  health-check-timeout = 5000

  # the DDNS connection information for the default dns backend
  defaultZoneConnection {
     # this is not really used, but must be set, usually set to the keyName itself, or a descriptive name if you are interested
     name = "vinyldns."
     # the name of the TSIG key
     keyName = "vinyldns."
     # the TSIG secret key
     key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
     # the host name or IP address, note you can add a port if not using the default by settings hostname:port
     primaryServer = "ddns1.foo.bar.com"
     # the key algorithm to use: HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512
     algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"

  # the AXFR connection information for the default dns backend
  defaultTransferConnection {
     name = "vinyldns."
     keyName = "vinyldns."
     key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
     primaryServer = "localhost:19001"
     algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"

  # Zone Connection Data, ID can be specified in a zone to override the global default configuration
  backends = [
        id = "test-backend-id"
        zone-connection {
        name = "vinyldns."
        key-name = "vinyldns."
        key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
        primary-server = ""
        algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"
     transfer-connection {
        name = "vinyldns."
        key-name = "vinyldns."
        key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
        primary-server = ""
        algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"

Alternate Zone Connections Configuration:

Below is an alternate way of setting zone connections configuration instead of using the Global Zone Connections Configuration

# configured backend providers
backend {
# Use "default" when dns backend legacy = true
# otherwise, use the id of one of the connections in any of your backends
default-backend-id = "default"

# this is where we can save additional backends
backend-providers = [
    class-name = "vinyldns.api.backend.dns.DnsBackendProviderLoader"
    settings = {
      legacy = false
      backends = [
          id = "default"
          zone-connection = {
            name = "vinyldns."
            key-name = "vinyldns."
            key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
            primary-server = ""
          transfer-connection = {
            name = "vinyldns."
            key-name = "vinyldns."
            key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
            primary-server = ""
          tsig-usage = "always"
          id = "func-test-backend"
          zone-connection = {
            name = "vinyldns."
            key-name = "vinyldns."
            key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
            primary-server = ""
          transfer-connection = {
            name = "vinyldns."
            key-name = "vinyldns."
            key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
            primary-server = ""
          tsig-usage = "always"

Below is an example configuration of backend provider for AWS Route 53, in case we want to use AWS Route 53 as backend.

backend {
    default-backend-id = "r53"

    backend-providers = [
        class-name = "vinyldns.route53.backend.Route53BackendProviderLoader"
        settings = {
          backends = [
                # AWS access key and secret key.
                access-key = "your-access-key"
                secret-key = "your-secret-key"

                # Regional endpoint to make your requests (eg. 'us-west-2', 'us-east-1', etc.). This is the region where your queue is housed.
                signing-region = "us-east-1"

                # Endpoint to access r53
                service-endpoint = "https://route53.amazonaws.com/"

                id = "r53"

Make sure to add AWS name servers in Approved Name Servers Config.

Additional Configuration Settings

Approved Name Servers

When running a large DNS installation, allowing users the ability to self-manage zone delegations can lead to a lot of problems when not done properly. Also, allowing delegation to untrusted DNS servers can be a security risk.

To “lock down” zone delegation, you can configure name servers that you trust, so zone delegation is controlled.

The entries in the list can be host names, IP addresses, or regular expressions.

approved-name-servers = [

Processing Disabled

The processing disabled flag can be used if doing a blue/green deployment. When processing is disabled, the VinylDNS engine will not be actively polling the message queue for messages.

processing-disabled = false | true


For blue-green deployments, you can configure the color of the current node. Not applicable to every environment.

color = "green"


Version of the application that is deployed. Currently, this is a configuration value.

version = "0.8.0"

Note: You can get installation information including color, version, default key name, and processing-disabled by hitting the status endpoint GET /status

Is Zone Sync Schedule Allowed

Used while deploying. Should be set to true only on one api server/instance and false on every other api servers/instances. Thus automated sync will be done only once on a single server/instance instead of every api servers/instances. Set it to true while running locally or when we have only a single api server/instance.

is-zone-sync-schedule-allowed = true

HTTP Host and Port

To specify what host and port to bind to when starting up the API server, default is 9000.

rest {
  host = ""
  port = 9000

Sync Delay

VinylDNS uses a “sync-delay” setting that prevents users from syncing their zones too frequently. The settings is inspected per zone, and is the number of milliseconds since the last sync to wait before allowing another sync for that zone.

sync-delay = 10000


VinylDNS provides the ability to send notifications via configured notifiers when a batch change is either implemented or rejected. Notifiers in VinylDNS are designed to be pluggable (ie. bring-your-own-implementation), granting users the flexibility to implement their own which can smoothly integrate into their instance.

Setup requires a notifiers key which contains all of the configured notifiers that will be used by the running instance.

notifiers = ["email", "sns"]

E-mail notifier

Configuration for the e-mail notifier appears like the following:

email = {
   # Path to notifier provider implementation
   class-name = "vinyldns.api.notifier.email.EmailNotifierProvider"

   settings = {
      # Sender address for e-mail notifications
      from = "Sender <do-not-reply@example.sender>"

      smtp {
         # Host SMTP server
         host = "example.host"

Note that settings.from and settings.smtp are both required, though the smtp values requirements depend on the specific exchange service that you are interfacing with.

Below is an example e-mail notification:

Sample E-mail Notification

AWD Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifier

Configuration for the AWS SNS notifier appears like the following:

sns {
  # Path to notifier provider implementation
  class-name = "vinyldns.api.notifier.sns.SnsNotifierProvider"

  settings {
  # SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
  topic-arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:batchChanges"

  # AWS access key and secret
  access-key = "vinyldnsTest"
  secret-key = "notNeededForSnsLocal"

  # Endpoint to access SNS
  service-endpoint = ""

  # Regional endpoint to make your requests (eg. 'us-west-2', 'us-east-1', etc.). This is the region where your SNS is housed.
  signing-region = "us-east-1"

Email Domain Configuration

This configuration setting determines the valid domains which are allowed in the email fields.

The email-domains field accepts a list of valid email domains. Wildcard matching is available; for example, *dummy.com means it will allow any subdomain within dummy.com like test.dummy.com. If the email-domains field is left empty then it will accept any domain name.

The number-of-dots field controls the number of dots allowed after the @ symbol in an email. If this config value is left out, it will default to two.

valid-email-config {
   email-domains = ["test.com","*dummy.com"]
   number-of-dots= 2

Batch Manual Review Enabled

Configuration setting that determines whether batch changes with non-fatal errors can be reviewed rather than failing immediately. When enabling manual review, the expectation is that a DNS technician is actively querying and addressing batch change requests that are in a manual review state. If your process flow does not accommodate this expectation, we advise disabling manual review.

manual-batch-review-enabled = true

Manual Review Domains

Configuration setting that determines what Batch Change/DNS Change input names require manual review if manual-batch-review-enabled is set to true. If manual-batch-review-enabled is set to false any input names that match entries in the configured list will be treated as fatal errors.

manual-review-domains = {
  domain-list = [
  ip-list = [
  zone-name-list = [

Scheduled Batch Changes Enabled

Configuration setting that determines if users are able to make Batch Changes with a scheduled time. manual-batch-review-enabled must be enabled as well. If enabled, a VinylDNS administrator cannot approve the Batch Change until after the scheduled time. An administrator could also reject the Batch Change.

scheduled-changes-enabled = true

IPv6 Zone Discovery Boundaries

Configuration setting that determines the range that will be searched for in reverse IPv6 Zone Discovery. This allows you to limit the search for what is appropriate for your organization. For example, min = 2, max = 3 will only search in zones in the form X.X.ip6.arpa. and X.X.X.ip6.arpa.. Note the following constraints: 0 < min <= max <= 32. If your organization only makes zone cuts at one point, you may set min == max.

The default values if omitted are min = 5, max = 20.

v6-discovery-nibble-boundaries {
  min = 5
  max = 20

Dotted Hosts

Configuration setting that determines the zones, users (either individual or based on group) and record types that are allowed to create dotted hosts. If only all the above are satisfied, one can create a dotted host in VinylDNS.

Note the following:

  1. Zones defined in the zone must always end with a dot. Eg: comcast.com.
  2. Wildcard character * can be used in zone to allow dotted hosts for all zones matching it.
  3. Individual users who are allowed to create dotted hosts are added to the user-list using their username.
  4. A set of users in a group who are allowed to create dotted hosts are added to the group-list using group name.
  5. If the user is either in user-list or group-list, they are allowed to create a dotted host. It is not necessary for the user to be in both user-list and group-list.
  6. The record types which are allowed while creating a dotted host is added to the record-types.
  7. The number of dots allowed in a record name for a zone is given in dots-limit.
  8. If user-list is left empty (user-list = []), no user will be allowed to create dotted hosts unless they’re present in group-list and vice-versa. If both user-list and group-list is left empty no users will be allowed to create dotted hosts in that zone.
  9. If record-types is left empty (record-types = []), user cannot create dotted hosts of any record type in that zone.
  10. If dots-limit is set to 0 (dots-limit = 0), we cannot create dotted hosts record in that zone.
# approved zones, individual users, users in groups, record types and no.of.dots that are allowed for dotted hosts
dotted-hosts = {
   allowed-settings = [
      zone = "dummy."
      user-list = ["testuser"]
      group-list = ["dummy-group"]
      record-types = ["AAAA"]
      dots-limit = 3
      # for wildcard zones. Settings will be applied to all matching zones
      zone = "*ent.com."
      user-list = ["professor", "testuser"]
      group-list = ["testing-group"]
      record-types = ["A", "CNAME"]
      dots-limit = 3

In the above, the dotted hosts can be created only in the zone dummy. and zones matching *ent.com. (parent.com., child.parent.com.)

Also, it must satisfy the allowed users or group users and record type of the respective zone to create a dotted host.

For eg, we can’t create a dotted host with CNAME record type in the zone dummy. as it’s not in record-types. And the user professor can’t create a dotted host in the zone dummy. as the user is not in user-list or group-list (not part of dummy-group).

The config can be left empty as follows if we don’t want to use it:

dotted-hosts = {
   allowed-settings = []

Full Example Config

# The default application.conf is not intended to be used in production.  It assumes a docker-compose
# setup for all of the services.  Provide your own application.conf on the docker mount with your
  # own settings
  vinyldns {

  queue {
     class-name = "vinyldns.sqs.queue.SqsMessageQueueProvider"
     messages-per-poll = 10
     polling-interval = 250.millis
     settings {
        # AWS access key and secret.
        access-key = "x"
        secret-key = "x"
        # Regional endpoint to make your requests (eg. 'us-west-2', 'us-east-1', etc.). This is the region where your queue is housed.
        signing-region = "x"
        # Endpoint to access queue
        service-endpoint = "http://localhost:9324/"
        # Queue name. Should be used in conjunction with service endpoint, rather than using a queue url which is subject to change.
        queue-name = "vinyldns"

  # host and port the server binds to.  This should not be changed
  rest {
     host = ""
     port = 9000

  # The maximum number of records VinylDNS will load when syncing a DNS Zone
  # this is to prevent possible out of memory errors when loading a Zone
  # this does not stop the zone from existing in DNS, but you will not be able to manage it in VinylDNS if the number of records exceeds the max
  max-zone-size = 60000

  # the delay between zone syncs so we are not syncing too often
  sync-delay = 10000

  # crypto settings for symmetric cryptography of secrets in the system
  # Note: for production systems secrets should not live in plain text in a file
  crypto {
    type = "vinyldns.core.crypto.NoOpCrypto"

  # both datastore options are in use
  data-stores = ["mysql"]

  mysql {
     class-name = "vinyldns.mysql.repository.MySqlDataStoreProvider"
     settings {
        name = "vinyldns"
        driver = "org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"
        migration-url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19002/?user=root&password=pass"
        url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:19002/vinyldns?user=root&password=pass"
        user = "root"
        password = "pass"
        maximum-pool-size = 20
        minimum-idle = 10
        connection-timeout-millis = 1000
        idle-timeout = 10000
        max-lifetime = 600000
        register-mbeans = true
        my-sql-properties {
           prepStmtCacheSize = 300
           prepStmtCacheSqlLimit = 2048
           cachePrepStmts = true
           useServerPrepStmts = true
           rewriteBatchedStatements = true
     repositories {
        zone {
        batch-change {
        user {
        record-set {
        record-set-cache {
        group {
        membership {
        group-change {
        zone-change {
        record-change {
  # limits for batchchange routing, membership routing , recordset routing , zone routing
  api {
  limits {
  batchchange-routing-max-items-limit = 100
  membership-routing-default-max-items = 100
  membership-routing-max-items-limit = 1000
  membership-routing-max-groups-list-limit = 1500
  recordset-routing-default-max-items= 100
  zone-routing-default-max-items = 100
  zone-routing-max-items-limit = 100
  # the DDNS connection information for the default dns backend
  defaultZoneConnection {
     name = "vinyldns."
     keyName = "vinyldns."
     key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
     primaryServer = "localhost:19001"
     algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"

  # the AXFR connection information for the default dns backend
  defaultTransferConnection {
     name = "vinyldns."
     keyName = "vinyldns."
     key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
     primaryServer = "localhost:19001"
     algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"

  # the max number of changes in a single batch change.  Change carefully as this has performance
  # implications
  batch-change-limit = 1000

  # notifier configuration
  notifiers = ["email", "sns"]

  email = {
     # Path to notifier provider implementation
     class-name = "vinyldns.api.notifier.email.EmailNotifierProvider"
     settings = {
     # Sender address for e-mail notifications
     from = "Sender <do-not-reply@example.sender>"
     smtp {
        # Host SMTP server
        host = "example.host"

  # Valid Email Domains
  valid-email-config {
    email-domains = ["test.com","*dummy.com"]
    number-of-dots= 2

  sns {
     # Path to notifier provider implementation
     class-name = "vinyldns.api.notifier.sns.SnsNotifierProvider"
     settings {
        # SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
        topic-arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:batchChanges"
        # AWS access key and secret
        access-key = "vinyldnsTest"
        secret-key = "notNeededForSnsLocal"
        # Endpoint to access SNS
        service-endpoint = ""
        # Regional endpoint to make your requests (eg. 'us-west-2', 'us-east-1', etc.). This is the region where your SNS is housed.
        signing-region = "us-east-1"

  # approved zones, individual users, users in groups, record types and no.of.dots that are allowed for dotted hosts
  dotted-hosts = {
     allowed-settings = [
        zone = "dummy."
        user-list = ["testuser"]
        group-list = ["dummy-group"]
        record-types = ["AAAA"]
        dots-limit = 3
        # for wildcard zones. Settings will be applied to all matching zones
        zone = "*ent.com."
        user-list = ["professor", "testuser"]
        group-list = ["testing-group"]
        record-types = ["A", "CNAME"]
        dots-limit = 3

  # true if you want to enable manual review for non-fatal errors
  manual-batch-review-enabled = true

  # true if you want to allow Batch Changes to be scheduled.  manual-batch-review-enabled must also be true.
  scheduled-changes-enabled = true

  # types of unowned records that users can access in shared zones
  shared-approved-types = ["A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "PTR", "TXT"]

  # FQDNs / IPs that cannot be modified via VinylDNS
  # regex-list: list of regular expressions matching any FQDN that are not allowed to be modified by this VinylDNS instance
  # ip-list: list of IP addresses that cannot be modified by this VinylDNS instance
  high-value-domains = {
     regex-list = [
     ip-list = [

  # FQDNS / IPs / zone names that require manual review when submitted through Batch Change/DNS Change
  # Treated as a fatal error if manual review is not enabled
  manual-review-domains = {
     domain-list = [
     ip-list = [
     zone-name-list = [

  # Zone Connection Data
  backends = [
        id = "test-backend-id"
        zone-connection {
           name = "vinyldns."
           key-name = "vinyldns."
           key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
           primary-server = ""
           algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"
        transfer-connection {
           name = "vinyldns."
           key-name = "vinyldns."
           key = "nzisn+4G2ldMn0q1CV3vsg=="
           primary-server = ""
           algorithm = "HMAC-MD5"


  # Akka settings, these should not need to be modified unless you know akka http really well.
  akka {
     loglevel = "INFO"
     loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
     logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
     logger-startup-timeout = 30s

  akka.http {
     server {
        # The time period within which the TCP binding process must be completed.
        # Set to `infinite` to disable.
        bind-timeout = 5s
        # Show verbose error messages back to the client
        verbose-error-messages = on
     parsing {
        # Don't complain about the / in the AWS SigV4 auth header
        ignore-illegal-header-for = ["authorization"]